Ratio.City Platform Tutorials

Learn how to use the Explore, Locate, and Develop modes on our platform.

Scroll down to view the videos in our suggested order or skip ahead to one of the following videos:

  1. Explore Mode

  2. Site Creation

  3. Develop Mode: Basic Massing

  4. Develop Mode: Complex Massing

If you’d like a one-on-one training session with our team to get you up to speed, book some time with us here or contact us at hello@ratio.city.

Intro to Explore Mode

00:00 Introduction
00:28 Navigation
01:44 Measurement tools
02:41 Layer list
03:49 Pop-ups & selection

Intro to Site Creation

00:00 Introduction
00:42 Creating a site with parcels
01:37 Drawing a custom site
03:26 Reloading & sharing sites
05:07 Subdividing a site
07:24 Up next

Intro to Develop Mode: Basic Massing

00:00 Introduction
00:30 Defining your site
01:01 Basic massing inputs
02:04 Toronto mid-rise on Right-of-Way
03:04 Building height & floorplates
03:38 Development reports
04:15 Exporting floor area summaries
04:40 Saving & sharing 3D massings
05:25 Up next

Develop Mode: Complex Massing

00:00 Introduction
00:33 Assigning & adjusting setbacks
03:08 Adding angular planes
04:02 Angular plane inputs
04:47 Multi-massing
05:25 Two towers with one podium
06:55 Massing legend & warnings
07:49 Running shadow studies
09:06 Exporting 3D models

See it in action.

If you’d like to learn more about our platform, contact our team for a demo today.

Sign up for our free trial.

Our free trial gives you a sneak peak into our Explore and Locate tools. Create an account to get started!